Extra Special / Strong Bitter

Crime movies genre is trampled by americans, but they were no popular in Great Britain till the 80’s. Everything was changed by John Mackenzie movie “The Long Good Friday”. This movie has made a genuine sensation and later inspired Guy Ritchie for the creation of the legendary “Snatch” and “Lock, stock and two smoking barrels”. This Extra Special Bitter was brewed under the inspiration by this movie, so you can experience a taste of real, no postcard London. Our bitter is there for the taking. We say you take London - now!
- Пивоварня: Бакунин
- Стиль: Extra Special / Strong Bitter (Экстра специальный / крепкий биттер)
- Алкоголь: 5.8% ABV
- Горечь: 35 IBU
- Untappd: https://untappd.com/b/-/1256240
- Рейтинг в Untappd: 3.662 (167 оценок)